Event Agenda

Connect with peers.
Build community. Take action.

Start exploring. From setting goals to doing more with data and inspiring keynotes, there’s a session for everyone on your team. Which are you most excited about?

Select an option below to find the sessions you’re most interested in.


September 29, 2024 05:00 pm

Welcome Social

September 30, 2024 07:00 am


September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Goaling for Government Workshop

If you’re working on–and struggling with–setting your organization’s wildly important goals, also known as WIGs, you’re not alone. Goal setting can be hard. How do you ensure goals are motivating and not overwhelming? Do you have the tools to measure success? How can you show the impact? Join this session to learn best practices for setting goals that motivate teams and leave an impact, including:

- Aligning goals across departments.

- Setting and measuring KPIs.

- Sharing results with the community, Council, and other departments.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Adapt to Change Road Trip

Change is hard, especially when you've been doing things the same way for a long time. After helping governments across the country to implement changes to how they work, we've left with a lot of lessons learned. Join his session to learn how different agencies have gotten teams excited about embracing change, including communication best practices, how to get even the biggest nay-sayer on board, and sharing results.

September 30, 2024 12:00 pm

Lunch & Visit Vendor Booths

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

[City of Sugar Land, Texas] First It's Sour, Then It's Sweet: The Journey to Open Data

The City of Sugar Land launched Sugar Land Insights, its first open data portal, in January 2024. The City had big expectations for its open data solution, but lacked a clear path forward. In this session, the Data & Performance team from Sugar Land will show you how to: 

- Envision your open data goals and brand.

- Curate a multidisciplinary team.

- Prepare and execute an open data project roadmap.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Goaling for Government Workshop

If you’re working on–and struggling with–setting your organization’s wildly important goals, also known as WIGs, you’re not alone. Goal setting can be hard. How do you ensure goals are motivating and not overwhelming? Do you have the tools to measure success? How can you show the impact? Join this session to learn best practices for setting goals that motivate teams and leave an impact, including:

- Aligning goals across departments.

- Setting and measuring KPIs.

- Sharing results with the community, Council, and other departments.

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Adapt to Change Road Trip

Change is hard, especially when you've been doing things the same way for a long time. After helping governments across the country to implement changes to how they work, we've left with a lot of lessons learned. Join his session to learn how different agencies have gotten teams excited about embracing change, including communication best practices, how to get even the biggest nay-sayer on board, and sharing results.

September 30, 2024 06:00 pm

High-Performance Government Dinner and Awards Featuring a performance by The Governors, OpenGov's House Band

October 1, 2024 07:00 am


October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Embracing AI in Government

AI is transforming industries across the world, and local government is no exception. Join this session to explore how artificial intelligence can be utilized to improve efficiency, decision-making, and public service delivery in government operations, including: 

- Practical applications of AI in various government functions.

- Ethical considerations and challenges of integrating AI in public services.

- Strategies for implementing AI to enhance efficiency and decision-making in operations.

October 1, 2024 11:30 am

Lunch and Customer Panel

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Embracing AI in Government

AI is transforming industries across the world, and local government is no exception. Join this session to explore how artificial intelligence can be utilized to improve efficiency, decision-making, and public service delivery in government operations, including: 

- Practical applications of AI in various government functions.

- Ethical considerations and challenges of integrating AI in public services.

- Strategies for implementing AI to enhance efficiency and decision-making in operations.

October 1, 2024 02:45 pm

Break and Vendors

October 1, 2024 04:00 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

October 1, 2024 06:00 pm


October 2, 2024 07:00 am


October 2, 2024 07:30 am

Women In Leadership Panel and Breakfast

October 2, 2024 11:30 am

Boxed Lunches

October 2, 2024 05:30 pm

Happy Hour

September 29, 2024 05:00 pm

Welcome Social-Vendor booths open

September 30, 2024 07:00 am


September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Say it With a Captial C: Get a Hold on Capital Budgeting

New to capital planning in OpenGov Budgeting & Planning? This session will cover the basics of comprehensive multi-year capital planning including: 

- How to integrate your budget processes.

- Best practices for building workflows to score and rank proposed projects.

- Ideas for communicating progress for residents.

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Express Yourself: See How Other Agencies are Using Publications

Get an introduction to OpenGov Publications and how it can strengthen public trust. This session will feature lots of examples across the nation of how the Publication tool can be utilized to engage your community and internal departments, including:

-  Online Budget Books.

- Performance Reporting.

- Capital Planning.

- and More.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Rank this Way: Capital Prescreening Best Practices (CPE Credit)

Take your capital planning to the next level, ensuring your CIP process is equitable, strategic, and focused with Capital Prescreening. In this session we'll dive into: 

- The philosophy of capital prescreening.

- How to structure a capital prescreening process to your annual CIP plan.

- How to use your OpenGov to make the most of your CIP process.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Time for Your Feature Presentation: Make the Most of Publications Features

I clicked the buttons and created a Publication. Now what? This session will go deeper into the capabilities of Publications and how to leverage advanced features to make your online publications shine!

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

[City of Santa Barbara, CA ] Quarterly Reports Best Practices

Santa Barbara has mastered the art of quarterly reports. In this session, learn how the team: 

- Optimizes year-round reporting for budget in OpenGov.

- Run reports.

- Uses NextGen Reports to communicate to the public.

September 30, 2024 12:00 pm

Lunch & Visit Vendor Booths

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Survive & Thrive with Capital Forecasting and Project Communications (CPE Credit)

In this session, we will take you through what it takes to get your capital scenarios and project communications working well. 

Step 1: Make a plan. 

Step 2: Understand the tools available to make your job easier.

The Result: Have more impact.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Budgeting & Planning Roadmap Discussion

Get excited! This session features a sneak peek of upcoming roadmap items and key areas of development within the Budgeting & Planning roadmap. Don't forget to come with questions and your ideas!

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Come Together: Community Feedback Basics Training

Learn how the Community Feedback feature works within Budgeting & Planning to drive engagement and feedback on key priorities and initiatives. This feature is a powerful way to connect you to your community and supplement public hearings with surveys, forums, and online meetings.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Any Way You Want It: Optimize Enhanced Proposal Criteria (CPE Credit)

Custom Proposal Forms need to be the bedrock of your budget process. Learn how to take advantage of this unique tool in OpenGov so:

-You can budget faster, more strategically, more equitably.

-Your departments can better represent their needs.

-And your agency increases engagement in the budget process.

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Build It and They Will Come: Capital Budgeting Best Practices from Planning to Purchasing to Managing (CPE Credit)

For many governments, investing strategically in infrastructure is a far-off dream. Learn how you can use your OpenGov to, instead, make it a reality and: 

- Have a clear understanding of the overall condition of your assets 

- Know how much funding is required to maintain them

- When it is most cost-effective to replace an asset. 

We’ll walk through how to break the cycle of using your limited funding to overpay on maintaining critical infrastructure and how to get the risk of failing assets off your community’s ledger.

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Publications Training 301: Speed Capital Project Communications with Proposal Merge Fields

See how governments build, communicate, and update Capital Projects with Publications. This is an advanced session focused on how Proposal-Sync automatically pulls proposal text directly into your Publications for: 

- Faster creation of publications.

- Stronger storytelling.

- Better transparency for your public.

September 30, 2024 06:00 pm

High-Performance Government Dinner and Awards Featuring a performance by The Governors, OpenGov's House Band

October 1, 2024 07:00 am


October 1, 2024 08:15 am

(Domo Arigatou) Mr. Roboto: AI and Budgeting

We salute you, AI! This session will show you how Artificial Intelligence is being leveraged to improve the Budgeting & Planning Suite and budgeting process, including:

- Streamlining budget book building.

- Analyzing data.

- Improving repetitive processes.

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Say it With Data: Making Sense of All Your Reporting Options

Transform information into action with the leading public sector performance management and reporting software tools. In this session, you'll learn how to:

- Centralize your data to drive data-driven decisions.

- Include performance reporting to identify waste in staff time and resources.

- Rally everyone to your strategic objectives.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Painless Budget Rollover? Start Here.

The Budget Process ends, but we know it is coming back around in the not so distant future. Don't let this time be something you dread. In this session you will learn best practices to make the Budget Rollover Process as painless and efficient as possible so you can get on with the task at hand, budgeting and planning for the coming year!

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Walking on Reporting Sunshine: Learn What Standard Reports, Charts, and Graphs Can Do For You

Learn how to get the most out of your Budgeting & Planning reporting. We will go beyond what is available and get into what is possible and how to do it so you can become more efficient and pulling insights from your data.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

How to Drive Your Strategic Initiatives

In this hands-on training, we will take you step-by-step through how to build and budget against Strategic Initiatives. We'll cover how to:

- Set up your initiatives, goals, and strategies.

- Budget against those initiatives to track budgets and actuals for your priorities.

- Communicate your progress.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Let's Go Crazy with Performance Reports

Discover how to spend more time acting on data and less time looking for it! Performance Reports save time, improve outcomes, and drive more efficient collaboration. In this session, we'll show how stronger performance reporting leads you to:

- Achieve strategic outcomes.

- Arrive at equitable outcomes.

- Build credibility with your community.

October 1, 2024 11:30 am

Lunch and Customer Panel

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Budgeting & Planning Roadmap Discussion

Get excited! This session features a sneak peek of upcoming roadmap items and key areas of development within the Budgeting & Planning roadmap. Don't forget to come with questions and your ideas!

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Painless Budget Rollover? Start Here.

The Budget Process ends, but we know it is coming back around in the not so distant future. Don't let this time be something you dread. In this session you will learn best practices to make the Budget Rollover Process as painless and efficient as possible so you can get on with the task at hand, budgeting and planning for the coming year! 

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

(Domo Arigatou) Mr. Roboto: AI and Budgeting

We salute you, AI! This session will show you how Artificial Intelligence is being leveraged to improve the Budgeting & Planning Suite and budgeting process, including:

- Streamlining budget book building.

- Analyzing data.

- Improving repetitive processes.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

Stay in the Black: Building a BvA Variance Report

Take command of the advanced filters and reporting features in NextGen Reports to build a Budget to Actuals Variance Report. We'll walk you through, step by step, how to: 

- Build, filter, structure, and modify your reports.

- Quickly empower your departments to get the information they need.

- Better communication information to leadership.

October 1, 2024 02:45 pm

Break and Vendors

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Budgeting 2024: How Budgeting Has Changed Since Last Year

Budgeting best practices are always changing. Let us help you keep up. Learn all the new features available in Budgeting & Planning and how they can improve your budgeting process in 2024.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

How to Drive Your Strategic Initiatives

In this hands-on training, we will take you step-by-step through how to build and budget against Strategic Initiatives. We'll cover how to:

- Set up your initiatives, goals, and strategies.

- Budget against those initiatives to track budgets and actuals for your priorities.

- Communicate your progress.

October 1, 2024 04:00 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

October 1, 2024 06:00 pm


October 2, 2024 07:00 am


October 2, 2024 08:15 am

Under Pressure: How to Own Your Budget Allocations

In this hands-on training, we will take you step-by-step through:

- How to use the Budget Allocations feature in OpenGov for one-step and two-step budget allocations.

- Examples of how current customers are using the feature today.

- Options you have for using allocations in your budgeting.

October 2, 2024 09:15 am

Say it With Automation: How to Build a Quarterly Schedule Report

October 2, 2024 10:15 am

Budgeting & Planning Closing Suite Social

October 2, 2024 11:30 am

Boxed Lunches

October 2, 2024 05:30 pm

Happy Hour

September 29, 2024 05:00 pm

Welcome Social-Vendor booths open

September 30, 2024 07:00 am


September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

How Low Can You Go: Driving the Lowest Price with Reverse Auctions

Think eBay, but the prices go down! Check out OpenGov Procurement's fully integrated Reverse Auctions feature that allows buyers to drive low prices for commodity goods and services at the line-item level.

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Demo: Tour the Industry's Most Automated eProcurement and Contract Management Solution

If you're not currently an OpenGov Procurement customer, this session is for you! Take a tour of the industry’s most automated eprocurement and contract management solution. See how we empower teams with automation and a seamless user experience through purchase requests, building solicitations, engaging and evaluating suppliers, and contract management. The results? 75% less time building RFPs and 2-4x more supplier views.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Dream Team: Optimizing Cooperative Contract Search with Pavilion

Discover best practices using Pavilion cooperative contract search. Plus, check out OpenGov's new API integration that seamlessly moves your agency's contracts into Pavilion without having to up/download them. Talk about time saver!

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

It's like Yelp! for Government: Leveraging Procurated for Vendor Reviews

Did you know that OpenGov has Procurated's vendor review system integrated into our software?  That means, you get everything you need from Procurated without leaving OpenGov. See how your team can easily access vendor reviews written by government peers to help build a reliable supplier network.

September 30, 2024 12:00 pm

Lunch & Visit Vendor Booths

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Elevate Evaluations: Deep Dive into Line-Item Award and Multi-Phased Evaluations

OpenGov's Evaluation & Award module offers several evaluation types.  Among the most complex are line-item awarding and multi-phased evaluations. In this session, we'll highlight:

- How to leverage these evaluations functionalities.

- Best practices so your team can maximize its evaluations' outputs.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Put on a Pair of Supplier Shoes: Improving Partnerships with Purchasing Partners [Customer Panel]

Do you know the best way to improve your supplier experience? Hear straight from the source! Listen to our customer panel share how they test the supplier experience themselves to build stronger vendor relationships.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Demo: Tour the Industry's Most Automated eProcurement and Contract Management Solution

If you're not currently an OpenGov Procurement customer, this session is for you! Take a tour of the industry’s most automated eprocurement and contract management solution. See how we empower teams with automation and a seamless user experience through purchase requests, building solicitations, engaging and evaluating suppliers, and contract management. The results? 75% less time building RFPs and 2-4x more supplier views.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Upload to Delete: Maximizing Efficiency with Contract Onboarding Checklists & Records Retention

Did you know that OpenGov's Contract Management module offers transparent workflows to support vendor onboarding? Imagine fostering complete alignment between internal users and vendors, including knowing:

- What documents have been uploaded.

- Who has signed off or approved them.

-  What needs to be completed to finalize a vendor's contract. 

We'll also highlight how to keep your procurement portal clean and compliant by automating your records retention policies.

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Demo: Tour the Industry's Most Automated eProcurement and Contract Management Solution

If you're not currently an OpenGov Procurement customer, this session is for you! Take a tour of the industry’s most automated eprocurement and contract management solution. See how we empower teams with automation and a seamless user experience through purchase requests, building solicitations, engaging and evaluating suppliers, and contract management. The results? 75% less time building RFPs and 2-4x more supplier views.

September 30, 2024 06:00 pm

High-Performance Government Dinner and Awards Featuring a performance by The Governors, OpenGov's House Band

October 1, 2024 07:00 am


October 1, 2024 08:15 am

[ City of Thousand Oaks, CA] Time is of the Essence: Best Practices for Implementing OpenGov Procurement on a Time Crunch

This session will go over effective strategies for implementing OpenGov Procurement when there is a limited timeframe. The City of Thousand Oaks will share their story of how they implemented OpenGov Procurement within three months and the lessons learned throughout the process. We will also share lessons learned after the go live date and the continued improvements and training after implementation. We’ll cover topics such as:

- How to quickly execute a contract for implementation.

- Obtaining buy-in from key stakeholders by including their input and feedback.

- Reviewing and revising bid and RFP documents before designing the templates in OpenGov.

- Communicating with both internal and external customers regarding the change.

- Training staff members on the new platform. 

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

[City of Rosenberg, TX] Honey, I Shrunk the Requirements!

Straight from Rosenberg, Texas, learn seven ways to reduce and enhance your requirements and successfully attract suppliers to your solicitations. In this session, you'll learn:

- The benefits between accepting paper responses and electronic responses to a solicitation.

- How to develop better requirements/reduce current requirements to attract more suppliers to solicitations.

- Best practices to enhance current requirements to ensure they match today's market.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

A Deeper Pool: Optimizing Procurement’s Access to Vendors and Their Data

OpenGov Procurement is diversifying the way procurement teams can grow supplier pools and track vendor data. In this session, we’ll:

- Highlight new features, including targeting vendors within a set radius, or by zip code.

- Check out new DBE designations and vendor self-classification.

- Review certification tracking upgrades.

October 1, 2024 11:30 am

Lunch and Customer Panel

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

The Name is Bond, Bid Bonds: Using Surety 2000 for Bid Bonds

In this session, we'll review OpenGov's partnership integration with Surety 2000 so you can understand how bidders can provide their Surety bonds from their carrier right from their home office. Talk about efficiency!

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Customer Round-table Discussion: Contract Lifecycle Management

In this presentation, you will learn about the comprehensive process of managing contracts from initiation through execution and renewal, known as Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). This includes:

- The stages of the contract lifecycle and their significance.

- Best practices for effective contract management.

- Tools and technologies that support CLM processes.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

A Deeper Pool: Optimizing Procurement’s Access to Vendors and Their Data

OpenGov Procurement is diversifying the way procurement teams can grow supplier pools and track vendor data. In this session, we’ll:

- Highlight new features, including targeting vendors within a set radius, or by zip code.

- Check out new DBE designations and vendor self-classification.

- Review certification tracking upgrades.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Requisitions built into eProcurement software? Yup, come explore the benefits!

The rumors are true: We've built a request management workflow into OpenGov Procurement. In this session, we'll highlight the benefits of:

- Requisitions' advanced approval workflows- built-in compliance.

- Budget check capabilities.

- and more! 

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Make the Most of Template Administration

Building and maintaining templates can be challenging. In this session, we'll walk you through:

- How to use our latest template administration features to better maintain templates.

- User best practices to ensure you're maximizing efficiency and compliance.

- Examples from other OpenGov Procurement users.

October 1, 2024 04:00 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

October 1, 2024 06:00 pm


October 2, 2024 07:00 am


October 2, 2024 08:15 am

Make the Most of Template Administration

Building and maintaining templates can be challenging. In this session, we'll walk you through:

- How to use our latest template administration features to better maintain templates.

- User best practices to ensure you're maximizing efficiency and compliance.

- Examples from other OpenGov Procurement users.

October 2, 2024 09:15 am

Requisitions built into eProcurement software? Yup, come explore the benefits!

The rumors are true: We've built a request management workflow into OpenGov Procurement. In this session, we'll highlight the benefits of:

- Requisitions' advanced approval workflows- built-in compliance.

- Budget check capabilities.

- and more! 

October 2, 2024 10:15 am

Procurement Closing Suite Social

October 2, 2024 11:30 am

Boxed Lunches

October 2, 2024 05:30 pm

Happy Hour

September 29, 2024 05:00 pm

Welcome Social

September 30, 2024 07:00 am


September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Building Trust: Best Practices for Improving Your Customer Service Experience

According to a recent survey, two out of three residents were dissatisfied with their municipality's current permitting process. In the 21st century, residents have higher expectations for digital services and customer service. Join these sessions to learn from our seasoned experts how to: 

- Create a better resident experience for applicants.

- Build trust with your community through greater transparency in the process.

- Use techniques for effective and empathetic communication with customers.

-  Resolve conflicts and handle difficult situations

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Back to Basics: Permitting & Licensing Admin Training

Let's talk the basics! In this session, we'll cover a comprehensive overview of essential administrative tasks and processes. This session is designed to help you master the fundamentals of permitting and licensing, from application management to compliance tracking. Attendees will gain practical knowledge and tools to streamline operations, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency. Ideal for both new and experienced admins, this training ensures you are well-equipped to handle day-to-day responsibilities with confidence. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your skills and contribute to the smooth functioning of your organization.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

[Town of Ithaca, NY] How to Adapt to Changes in Local Laws, Building Codes, and Reporting

How can OpenGov Permitting & Licensing be molded to improve municipal departments when local laws and building codes are being updated? What efficiencies can be built into our daily lives to ease the pain of reports? How can I build a report to reflect the changing times of today? In this session, learn from leaders at Ithaca how to:

- Find ways to improve daily efficiencies with workflows, collaborations between departments, and reporting to local or state governments.

- Find ways that allow us to utilize OpenGov to benefit the changes that our municipal governments impose and be able to track the effectiveness of the new laws and codes.

- Provide detailed reports for end-of-year reporting.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Using the Newest Features

Explore the latest enhancements in our new features training. Perfect for users of all levels, this session ensures you stay updated and make the most out of our software’s capabilities. Join us to enhance your skills and get personalized support in real time. This interactive training will:

- Cover recently introduced features.

- Provide practical demonstrations with hands-on training. 

- Share expert tips on how to leverage them for maximum benefit.

- Give the opportunity to ask questions directly to our support team.

September 30, 2024 12:00 pm

Lunch & Visit Vendor Booths

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Workflows You Didn't Know You Could Digitize with OpenGov

We've got a permit for that! Join this session to discover unique use cases for OpenGov Permitting & Licensing, allowing your team to work more efficiently and strengthen collaboration. Plus, examples from customers of unique use cases and the impact of digitizing them.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Live Configuration Office Hours

Join these office hours for hands-on assistance with configuring your system. This interactive session offers personalized support to help you navigate and optimize your configuration settings. Ideal for users looking to fine-tune their setup or solve configuration challenges, this session ensures you get the most out of your system. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, receive expert advice, and see live demonstrations tailored to their specific needs.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Walk this Way: Permitting & Licensing for Public ROW and Utilities

Communities across the country are utilizing OpenGov Permitting & Licensing to manage public works and right-of-way permitting, building a stronger connection between public works and planning teams. From encroachment permits to utility connections, OpenGov's configurable software allows applicants and staff to operate efficiently with full transparency on permits in the public right-of-qay.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

New Features Training and Office Hours

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

[City of Gahanna, OH] From One to Many: Scaling Effectively with Permitting & Licensing Customer Panel

OpenGov Permitting & Licensing is designed to grow with the communities we support. Join this session to learn how communities across the country have grown and expanded their use to drive stronger collaboration, improve efficiency, and grow revenue.

September 30, 2024 06:00 pm

High-Performance Government Dinner and Awards Featuring a performance by The Governors, OpenGov's House Band

October 1, 2024 07:00 am


October 1, 2024 08:15 am

A Change Would Do You Good: Making Your Processes More Efficient

Transform your agency into a model of efficiency and transparency. This session unveils powerful strategies to streamline workflows, boost productivity, and rebuild constituent trust. Unleash a wave of positive change:

- Slash Red Tape & Boost Efficiency: Learn practical "hacks" to eliminate bottlenecks and empower your team to operate at peak performance.

- Unlock Transparency: Discover how to leverage technology and communication channels to shed light on internal processes and foster a culture of openness.

- Build Trust with Constituents: Learn how to bridge the gap and earn back public confidence through clear communication and a commitment to transparency.

- Embrace Change & Thrive: We'll equip you with the tools and strategies to adapt to evolving needs and future-proof your agency's success.

You will leave this session with a clear roadmap for transformation and the knowledge to navigate change confidently. Empower yourself and your agency to deliver results faster, smarter, and more openly!

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Permitting & Licensing Roadmap Deep Dive and Retrospective

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the Permitting & Licensing roadmap, where we'll review past achievements, discuss current processes, and outline future plans. This session will provide valuable insights into how we've streamlined operations and enhanced customer experience. Attendees will:

- Gain a comprehensive understanding of our strategies.

- Learn best practices for features across the suite.

- Have the opportunity to contribute ideas for continued innovation. 

Don't miss this chance to engage with experts and peers to optimize your permitting and licensing processes.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Working Together: Building a Stronger Partnership Between Public Works and Community Development

We all know public works and community development are crucial stakeholders in the physical development of a community. From roads and bridges to commercial buildings and homes, it's all connected. Come learn how OpenGov's Asset Management and Permitting & Licensing suites work together to drive operational efficiency and help communities strengthen public trust. Join this session to learn how to create a more efficient, coordinated, and data-driven approach to partnering by allowing your team to:

- Spend less time on follow-ups by automatically creating and updating tasks, keeping everyone in the loop without constant calls and emails.

- Improve project coordination with shared views of permitting activities, so public works and permit reviewers can plan better and avoid unnecessary rework.

- Give permit applicants automatic updates when tasks are completed, so they stay informed without extra steps from you.

- Boost efficiency with increased visibility into permitting activities across public works, helping you avoid conflicts and costly delays.

- Enjoy seamless data sharing using ArcGIS, making planning with spatial information effortless.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Top Features You're Not Using for Permitting & Licensing

Feeling stuck with basic tools? Looking to uplevel your record types and take your Permitting & LIcensing system to the next level?  This session explodes the potential of your system. Join a Permitting & Licensing pro as they unveil the top five hidden hacks for calculated fields, internal sections, and custom explore reports. These game-changing strategies will transform your efficiency and unlock a whole new level of data mastery.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Charting Your Own Course: Professional Growth in Community Development Customer Panel

In this session, attendees will gain insights from industry leaders on navigating career paths and achieving professional growth in community development. Participants will get:

- Insights from industry leaders on career progression in community development.

- Practical advice and strategies for professional growth and skill enhancement.

- Tips for leveraging networking opportunities to advance one's career.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Maximize Efficiency with Integrations

Dive into our Integrations Training session to master the skills needed for seamless system integration. This session will cover the essential tools, techniques, and best practices for connecting various software platforms and applications. Attendees will learn how to streamline workflows, enhance data accuracy, and improve overall system efficiency. 

Whether you're a novice or an experienced professional, this training will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle integration challenges and maximize your technology investments. Join us to boost your integration capabilities and drive your projects forward with ease.

October 1, 2024 11:30 am

Lunch and Customer Panel

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Business Licensing: Best Practices for Facilitating Growth

Business licensing is often the first and sometimes only interaction communities have with local businesses. Learn how to transform how businesses engage with your community from a modern, user-friendly application process for applicants to a streamlined, cross-departmental review, approval, and renewal process for staff. On top of that, we'll cover how OpenGov can streamline business license reporting and analysis.

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Where in the World? A Look Ahead Permitting & Licensing and ESRI

It's full steam ahead for the integration between OpenGov Permitting & Licensing and Esri. Join this session to see it in action and learn more about the benefits, including:

- A consistent experience across permits, licenses, and maps.

- Increased visibility thanks to asset layers on top of permitting and licensing data.

- Access to private maps overlayed on Permitting & Licensing.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

Keeping Pace While Adapting to Staff Changes

Economic growth and development is a hot topic in the government space. To keep pace with growth, community development departments across the nation are planning, facilitating, and approving the construction of new housing, businesses, and infrastructure at a larger volume than ever before. Join this session to learn best practices on how to respond to the needs of your residents while adapting to changes on your team.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

Payments and Reporting Best Practices

Enhance your understanding of efficient payment processing and accurate reporting techniques. This session will provide you with proven strategies, tools, and insights to optimize your financial operations. Attendees will learn how to streamline payment workflows, ensure compliance, and generate precise reports that drive informed decision-making. Perfect for finance professionals and administrators, this session offers practical advice and expert guidance to help you achieve excellence in payments and reporting. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your financial practices and boost organizational efficiency.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Customer User Group and Discussion

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Show Me the Money! Best Practices for Maximizing Licensing and Renewals

Become a renewal rockstar and wow constituents. This session unlocks the secrets to crafting efficient renewal campaigns that keep your agency humming and your constituents happy. Join this session to learn how to make the most of these features to transform your renewals from a headache to a high-five:

- Master Record Types: Learn the essential settings to ensure seamless campaign creation and data management.

- Automate Like a Boss: Discover how to set up new renewal campaigns in a flash, saving you and your team precious time.

- Paperless Powerhouse: Uncover the secrets of leveraging documents vs. records and setting optimal expiration dates.

- Campaign Command Center: Explore powerful tools to manage your campaigns with ease, track progress, and gain valuable insights.

- Applicant All-Stars: Learn how to design a smooth and user-friendly renewal experience for your constituents, boosting satisfaction and engagement.

- Employee Efficiency: Master the art of streamlined workflows for your team, ensuring a smooth and efficient renewal process for everyone.

October 1, 2024 04:00 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

October 1, 2024 06:00 pm


October 2, 2024 07:00 am


October 2, 2024 08:15 am

How to Get the Most Out of Your Customer Success Manager and Office Hours

Unlock a powerful engine for ongoing success! This session explores the strategic partnership between your agency and its Customer Success Manager (CSM). We'll go beyond initial training, diving deep into how to leverage your CSM's expertise to maximize return on investment (ROI), fuel agency achievements, and translate key learnings into lasting success. This government-focused session equips you to transform your CSM relationship into a driving force for your agency's long-term growth and impact.

October 2, 2024 09:15 am

Working Together: Building a Stronger Partnership Between Public Works and Community Development

We all know public works and community development are crucial stakeholders in the physical development of a community. From roads and bridges to commercial buildings and homes, it's all connected. Come learn how OpenGov's Asset Management and Permitting & Licensing suites work together to drive operational efficiency and help communities strengthen public trust. Join this session to learn how to create a more efficient, coordinated, and data-driven approach to partnering by allowing your team to:

- Spend less time on follow-ups by automatically creating and updating tasks, keeping everyone in the loop without constant calls and emails.

- Improve project coordination with shared views of permitting activities, so public works and permit reviewers can plan better and avoid unnecessary rework.

- Give permit applicants automatic updates when tasks are completed, so they stay informed without extra steps from you.

- Boost efficiency with increased visibility into permitting activities across public works, helping you avoid conflicts and costly delays.

- Enjoy seamless data sharing using ArcGIS, making planning with spatial information effortless.

October 2, 2024 10:15 am

Permitting & Licensing Closing Suite Social

October 2, 2024 11:30 am

Boxed Lunches

October 2, 2024 05:30 pm

Happy Hour

September 29, 2024 05:00 pm

Welcome Social

September 30, 2024 07:00 am


September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

[City of Los Angeles] Utilizing ESRI with Cartegraph Asset Management

Join us for a comprehensive session on integrating ESRI's GIS mapping functions with Cartegraph Asset Management. Explore how this powerful combination:

- Enhances operational efficiency.

- Facilitates informed decision-making.

- Unlocks new insights for your organization.

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

An Easier Way to Onboard: Adoption Toolkit

Dive into the Adoption Toolkit and see how this enhancement can help your team:

- Streamline onboarding processes.

- Enhance engagement.

- Track analytics.

- Facilitate direct training within OpenGov.

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Do More with Resident Engagement

What's the 311? Join us as we cover options for open 311 communication and discuss the Comcate Citizen Engagement Tool. No matter where you are in your 311 journey, join this session to:

- Get tips for responding quickly and efficiently to resident work requests—while reducing your overall workload.

- Leverage modern tools to do more with limited resources.

- Get concrete examples of how integrating a modern 311 system into your asset management platform helps address your specific needs.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

[City of Detroit] We're Moving on Up..to the "Green" Side:" A Departmental Transition from Paper to Digital

Utilizing Cartegraph Asset Management to transition your department from paper and manual documentation to an automated process. Here, we uncover the use of Cartegraph for easy form completion, in-the-field live use, and data understanding. Plus, the team from Detroit will show you how to take an everyday form to a 3-step mobile input using the ABCs of Transition.

A - Address the form's need.

B - Build the automated process.

C- Complete the task and clear the clutter.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

What's New in Cartegraph Asset Management

Join us for an exclusive preview of Cartegraph Asset Management's latest enhancements and upcoming initiatives. Discover how these advancements will shape the future of infrastructure management within the OpenGov Cloud, and be among the first to see the features in action and witness the evolution of asset management.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

5-Star Facilities: How to Improve Tracking and Maintenance

Explore how Cartegraph Asset Management empowers organizations to efficiently oversee facilities, whether it's a campus, a single facility, individual floors, or distinct sections. This comprehensive session covers various aspects, including the software's capabilities and its successful implementation. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance tracking, maintenance, and management of your facilities.

September 30, 2024 11:15 am

Come Meet the Support Team

Drop in and connect with our team members! Whether you have burning questions, want to dive deeper into a training topic, or simply want to put a face to the name behind the phone/email/web chat, this is your chance. We're here and ready to chat!

September 30, 2024 12:00 pm

Lunch & Visit Vendor Booths

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

[Calcasieu Parish, LA] Implementing Phase 2 Asset Management for Facilities and Parks

This session dives into successful facility and park asset management implementation. It emphasizes data integrity, workflow processes, balancing reporting with real-world practices, and engaging end users to secure their buy-in. Attendees will learn:

- How to analyze their existing data and decide if it is worth carrying over into a new system/implementation.

- Steps to identify end-user groups that will be necessary for continued success and methods of bringing them into the conversation.

- Tips to evaluate key features of OpenGov Asset Management leveraged with ArcGIS to visualize trends and fix potential problems as they develop.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Roadmap Feature Input with Product Management

Calling for your ideas! Engage with our Product Managers for personalized discussions on product capabilities, upcoming features, and valuable insights. Bring your questions and ideas to the table for an interactive session tailored to your needs.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

The Power of GIS

Witness the seamless integration and collaborative power of Cartegraph Asset Management and GIS, as they combine forces to deliver an exceptional user experience. You'll leave this session: 

- Understanding what GIS is and why it's important for asset management.

- Knowing where to start with GIS data for infrastructure management.

- With tips on navigating setup with asset management for ArcGIS.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

[City of Burlingame, CA] Maximizing Efficiency in Pipe Inspection: Leveraging ITpipes and Cartegraph

Learn how to revolutionize your pipe inspection program with ITpipes and Cartegraph Asset Management. This session will cover the seamless integration of ITpipes and Cartegraph Asset Management, focusing on automated task management, efficient data synchronization, and enhanced decision-making, all aimed at streamlining workflows and improving accuracy. Hear a real-world case study from Burlingame, CA, and gain a comprehensive roadmap for enhancing your own inspection programs, ensuring greater efficiency and operational excellence.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

[City of Lancaster, OH] Thinking Beyond the Map: Asset Tracking for Diverse Needs

Asset management goes beyond traditional infrastructure. Learn how the City of Lancaster leverages Asset Builder to track diverse geospatial phenomena like code enforcement issues, sanitation requests, and gas leaks. In this session, you will learn how to:

- Understand how versatile the Asset Builder asset types are.

- Assess geospatial phenomenon that can be tracked as an asset.

- Create automated workflows to improve the efficiency of internal procedures.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Unlocking Fleet Efficiency

Join us for a collaborative session featuring representatives from Fleetrock. Discover the vast capabilities and functionalities unlocked by integrating our advanced fleet offering.

September 30, 2024 02:30 pm

Filtering is Your Friend

Explore the diverse array of data filtering options available within Cartegraph Asset Management, empowering users to refine their data for enhanced insights and efficiency.

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

[Salt Lake City] Rethinking Pavement Management: Innovations Using Cartegraph Asset Management

Salt Lake City flipped the script on pavement management! Join the Public Way Program Manager and Roadway Asset Services to explore their collaborative approach. Discover how they embraced a "RETHINKING" philosophy, leveraging 21st-century tech to drive efficiency and innovation in budget allocation. In this session, you will learn:

- How to identify the capabilities of 21st-century technology in conducting roadway condition assessments.

- How sensor-based inspections were supplemented with artificial intelligence during post-processing.

- How the data was used to calculate a Citywide Overall Condition Index (OCI).

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

Break and Vendors

September 30, 2024 03:15 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Unveiling the Latest Mobile App Enhancements

Dive into the latest enhancements of our Mobile App as we unveil exciting new functionality, designed to make the work of your field teams even more streamlined.

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Predicting the Future with Scenario Builder

Dive into an exploration of how to effectively utilize Scenario Builder for strategic planning purposes. In this session, see how Scenario Builder can help you:

- Identify, forecast, and prioritize capital improvement projects over multiple years using data.

- Back up your budget requests with clear data, accurate projections, and rock-solid plans.

- Run scenarios based on budget limitations or target OCIs to answer questions like, “What if we increased our maintenance budget by 25%?”

- View your scenarios on a map to compare projections, make better decisions, and get buy-in from key stakeholders.

September 30, 2024 03:45 pm

Be Awesome with Automations

Discover how Automation Manager can revolutionize your workflow, freeing up valuable time for your staff to concentrate on impactful tasks while ensuring accuracy and communication within your organization.

September 30, 2024 06:00 pm

High-Performance Government Dinner and Awards Featuring a performance by The Governors, OpenGov's House Band

October 1, 2024 07:00 am


October 1, 2024 08:15 am

[City of Plano, TX] Data-Driven Decisions: Optimizing Playground Safety

Discover how to leverage Cartegraph Asset Management for data-driven replacement prioritization assessments of playground systems. Learn from the experience of Plano TX's Parks and Recreation department as they tackle the challenge of managing playground assets across multiple datasets. In this session, you will learn: 

- How Plano draws a distinction between playgrounds' bi-monthly safety and annual lifecycle inspections, what impacts and doesn’t impact our Estimated OCI, and how the Parks and Recreation department processes resultant safety data using the Reporting module.

- Which replacement prioritization factors were included in playground lifecycle assessments.

- How easily related data located in the different tables of the Cartegraph Asset Management system can be delivered to the lifecycle Inspection form using the Automation module.

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

[City of Pittsburgh, PA] Automations in Asset Management: How to Prepare for Today—and Tomorrow

Discover how the City of Pittsburgh is preparing for the future of asset management through automation. Explore best practices for implementing automation technologies and see real-world examples of how these tools are improving efficiency and accuracy.

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Enhancing Efficiency with OpenGov Integration

Enhance collaboration and efficiency through features like global navigation, unified login, and suite integrations.

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Predicting the Future with Scenario Builder

Dive into an exploration of how to effectively utilize Scenario Builder for strategic planning purposes. In this session, see how Scenario Builder can help you:

- Identify, forecast, and prioritize capital improvement projects over multiple years using data.

- Back up your budget requests with clear data, accurate projections, and rock-solid plans.

- Run scenarios based on budget limitations or target OCIs to answer questions like, “What if we increased our maintenance budget by 25%?”

- View your scenarios on a map to compare projections, make better decisions, and get buy-in from key stakeholders.

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Be Awesome with Automations

Discover how Automation Manager can revolutionize your workflow, freeing up valuable time for your staff to concentrate on impactful tasks while ensuring accuracy and communication within your organization.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

[Frederick County, MD] How to Break Up with Your Consultant

Join us for an insightful session where we'll dive into Frederick County Government's journey with Cartegraph Asset Management. In collaboration with EA Engineering, the County achieved a remarkable implementation in under two years. Discover how the team efficiently manages over 270,000 assets across various divisions and explore the keys to their successful transition away from consultant support.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

[City of Boston] Pavement Markings from AutoCAD to Cartegraph Asset Management

Discover how the Boston Transportation Department leverages AutoCAD to develop Pavement Marking Plans, seamlessly integrating them into Cartegraph Asset Management. With over 354,000 assets tracked by 50 users, the department optimizes its workflows by synchronizing AutoCAD plans with Cartegraph Asset Management to visualize contract extents and track materials applied by field inspectors. In this session, you will learn how to: 

- Connect AutoCAD to OpenGov Asset Management.

- Track contractor quantities to validate invoicing.

- Streamline data management in a centralized platform for multiple stakeholders.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Upgrading to the Next Gen UX from Classic

Join this session to explore the benefits and key factors involved in upgrading your users to the latest Cartegraph Asset Management interface.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Unveiling the Latest Mobile App Enhancements

Dive into the latest enhancements of our Mobile App as we unveil exciting new functionality, designed to make the work of your field teams even more streamlined.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Drill in with Dashboard Gadgets

Explore the potential of the Analytics Dashboard, transforming captured data into actionable insights to inform smarter decisions. Discover various gadget types and their functions, learn effective sharing and searching methods for gadgets, and master techniques to sort, group, and filter data for focused analysis. Unlock the full potential of your data-driven decision-making process in this enlightening session.

October 1, 2024 10:00 am

Break and Vendors

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

[City of Plano, TX] Data to Information Transformation Journey

Dive into the story of Plano's Parks and Recreation department as they embarked on the "Road to Asset Management." Explore how the team's vision, implementation goals, and data management philosophy have paved the way for efficient public service delivery. Get an inside look at the innovative projects developed and implemented over the past year, showcasing the power of data-driven decision-making.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

What's New in Cartegraph Asset Management

Join us for an exclusive preview of Cartegraph Asset Management's latest enhancements and upcoming initiatives. Discover how these advancements will shape the future of infrastructure management within the OpenGov Cloud, and be among the first to see the features in action and witness the evolution of asset management.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Filtering is Your Friend

Explore the diverse array of data filtering options available within Cartegraph Asset Management, empowering users to refine their data for enhanced insights and efficiency.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Unlocking your Data: Imports, Exports & Integrations

Dive into a comprehensive session on leveraging Cartegraph Asset Management's data functionalities.  Whether you're looking to import, export, or share data, this session has you covered. Explore topics such as:- Importing/exporting data.- Utilizing WebHooks and RestAPI for seamless integration.- Automating imports/exports through scheduled processes.

October 1, 2024 11:30 am

Lunch and Customer Panel

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

[City of Arlington, TX] Wrangling Reliable Data: Tips for Texas-Sized Confidence in Your QA/QC Processes

Tired of navigating through data chaos only to find unreliable results? Join us for a session dedicated to fortifying your QA/QC processes. In this session, you'll:

- Learn how to prevent data entry errors, streamline the review process, and boost confidence in your data integrity.

- Say goodbye to data nightmares and hello to a new era of reliable insights.

- Transform the way your organization handles data—it's time to wrangle reliability!

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

[Harris County, TX] Data Migrations: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

The quality of municipal data can have a profound impact on your integration with OpenGov. By taking the time to ensure accuracy and cleanliness during the migration phase of your project, the results will be overwhelmingly positive. The challenge is taking the time to properly conduct a data audit with your team and construct a plan to properly address those results prior to launching. In this session, you'll learn how to:

- Identify and document current data anomalies through a comprehensive audit that burdens staff due to outdated standards or an ineffective system.

- Develop a structured plan to address any underlying issues during the data collection and migration process of the project and take corrective action to resolve discrepancies.

- Document clear standards in order to ensure continuous data quality in OpenGov to prevent circumstances from repeating themselves.

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Exploring Future Workflows and Vision with Our UX Team

Let's talk user experience. Discuss the future workflows and vision of the Cartegraph Asset Management interface with the OpenGov UX team.

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

The Power of GIS

Witness the seamless integration and collaborative power of Cartegraph Asset Management and GIS, as they combine forces to deliver an exceptional user experience. You'll leave this session: 

- Understanding what GIS is and why it's important for asset management.

- Knowing where to start with GIS data for infrastructure management.

- With tips on navigating setup with asset management for ArcGIS.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

Unleashing Insights with Basic Reporting

You’ve built a detailed asset inventory, collected work data, and tracked material use and costs. Now, it’s time to put that data to work. Learn how you can use Cartegraph Asset Management’s Basic Report Designer to:

- Guide decision making.

- Justify budget proposals.

- Recognize trends.

- Share important information with your colleagues and residents.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

[Gulf Coast Water Authority] Revolutionizing Infrastructure Management with 3D Integration

Discover how Gulf Coast Water Authority (GCWA) is transforming infrastructure management by integrating Matterport 3D tours with Cartegraph Asset Management. This initiative enhances asset documentation, enables informed decision-making, and fosters stakeholder engagement. Plus, explore technical requirements and best practices through real-world examples, unveiling the transformative potential of this innovative approach.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

[Harris County, TX] Unifying Infrastructure Management: A Multi-Departmental Approach

Join Harris County on a journey toward a visionary approach to asset management. Discover the integration of seven Cartegraph Asset Management instances across County precincts and departments with GIS data. Learn about their targeted data collection initiative for pavement condition assessments and unique workflow implementations for modern asset management.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

Roadmap Feature Input with Product Management

Calling for your ideas! Engage with our Product Managers for personalized discussions on product capabilities, upcoming features, and valuable insights. Bring your questions and ideas to the table for an interactive session tailored to your needs.

October 1, 2024 02:00 pm

5-Star Facilities: How to Improve Tracking and Maintenance

Explore how Cartegraph Asset Management empowers organizations to efficiently oversee facilities, whether it's a campus, a single facility, individual floors, or distinct sections. This comprehensive session covers various aspects, including the software's capabilities and its successful implementation. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance tracking, maintenance, and management of your facilities.

October 1, 2024 02:45 pm

Break and Vendors

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

[Harris County, TX] Streamlining Workflows: Platting, Street Acceptance, and Road Management)

Discover how Harris County, Texas, uses Cartegraph Asset Management and OpenGov's Permitting & Licensing module to streamline platting, street acceptance, and road database management. In this session, you'll: 

- Learn unique implementation strategies and workflow enhancements.

- See how they address challenges and collaborate with OpenGov and EA Engineering to optimize infrastructure management.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

[Highlands County, FL] Asset Management Pioneers: Paving the Way

Discover how Cartegraph Asset Management adapts to track departmental needs. Learn from Highlands County Road and Bridge Department’s experience integrating internal asphalt production and shell mining data. Explore the challenges, rewards, and benefits of this journey, and gain insights into systemizing purchase order tracking for roadway projects.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Do More with Citizen Engagement

What's the 311? Join us as we cover options for open 311 communication and discuss the Comcate Citizen Engagement Tool. No matter where you are in your 311 journey, join this session to:

- Get tips for responding quickly and efficiently to resident work requests—while reducing your overall workload.

- Leverage modern tools to do more with limited resources.

- Get concrete examples of how integrating a modern 311 system into your asset management platform helps address your specific needs.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Unlocking Insights with Advanced Reporting

Cartegraph Asset Management Reports takes the data you collect and applies it to quantify success, discover trends, and share how you’re meeting residents’ needs. In this intermediate session, you’ll start exploring the system functionality that empowers you to create the flexible, robust reports you need to better analyze your operational data.

October 1, 2024 04:00 pm

1:1 Questions with OpenGov Staff

October 1, 2024 06:00 pm


October 2, 2024 06:30 am

Registration & Help Desk Open

October 2, 2024 07:00 am


October 2, 2024 08:15 am

Exploring Future Workflows and Vision with Our UX Team

Let's talk user experience. Discuss the future workflows and vision of the Cartegraph Asset Management interface with the OpenGov UX team.

October 2, 2024 08:15 am

Unlocking Insights with Advanced Reporting

Cartegraph Asset Management Reports takes the data you collect and applies it to quantify success, discover trends, and share how you’re meeting residents’ needs. In this intermediate session, you’ll start exploring the system functionality that empowers you to create the flexible, robust reports you need to better analyze your operational data.

October 2, 2024 09:15 am

Unleashing Insights with Basic Reporting

You’ve built a detailed asset inventory, collected work data, and tracked material use and costs. Now, it’s time to put that data to work. Learn how you can use Cartegraph Asset Management’s Basic Report Designer to:

- Guide decision making.

- Justify budget proposals.

- Recognize trends.

- Share important information with your colleagues and residents.

October 2, 2024 09:15 am

Upgrading to the Next Gen UX from Classic

Join this session to explore the benefits and key factors involved in upgrading your users to the latest Cartegraph Asset Management interface.

October 2, 2024 10:15 am

Asset Management Closing Suite Social

October 2, 2024 11:30 am

Boxed Lunches

October 2, 2024 02:15 pm

Admin Certification: Assets

October 2, 2024 05:30 pm

Happy Hour

September 30, 2024 08:30 am

[Keynote] Striving for a Smart City: How Los Angeles Tackled a Digital Transformation that Actually Transformed the Way It Works

The City of Los Angeles is going for gold as the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

With that comes planning—a lot of planning. From investing in major infrastructure upgrades to digitizing services to accommodating developers and businesses, the City is working overtime to truly transform the way it works to operate efficiently, adapt to change, and strengthen public trust.

Although you’re probably not planning for an Olympics, there are universal challenges across all local governments in the strive towards making communities a better place. From tight budgets to rising resident requests, get inspired by Los Angeles City leaders to think big and tackle major challenges in your own agency through digital transformation.

You won’t want to miss this session if you want to learn how to:

- Take action on the data you’re collecting to improve the lives of residents

- Find your champion in your municipality’s leadership

- Improve how you serve residents, developers, business owners, and other stakeholders

September 30, 2024 10:15 am

Using Enhanced Revenue Collection

Smarter accounting! Take an in-depth tour and learn how to use both OpenGov Tax & Revenue and OpenGov Financials together to enhance your organization's revenue collection.

September 30, 2024 01:30 pm

Strengthen Your Flexible Financial Skills: Flexible Inquiry for Excel Manipulation

This hands-on training will walk you through—start-to-finish—how to set up an Excel Workbook and Flexible Inquiries saved view. This helps power extremely flexible investigation and reporting to accompany your OpenGov reporting options. You'll leave this session with an Excel workbook template, a deep understanding of Flexible Inquiries, and how to get data to update seamlessly. It's a can't miss training!

October 1, 2024 08:15 am

Financials: Year-End Tasks and Processes Checklist (CPE Credit)

Happy Fiscal New Year! Cue the confetti! In this session, we will walk through what you need to know and, specifically, what you need to do to transition from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

October 1, 2024 09:15 am

Bringing Source-to-Pay in Government: Unified Requisitions, Procurement, Invoicing, and Payment (CPE Credit)

Talk about a seamless process. New technology is opening up the opportunity for governments to start practicing integrated source-to-pay processes and saying goodbye to disjointed systems. Learn how source-to-pay is different from the processes you are using today and how technology makes source-to-pay a new reality.

October 1, 2024 10:30 am

Financials: Year-End Tasks and Processes Checklist (CPE Credit)

Happy Fiscal New Year! Cue the confetti! In this session, we will walk through what you need to know and, specifically, what you need to do to transition from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

October 1, 2024 01:00 pm

Best Practices for Preparing for Your Audit (CPE Credit)

We know, everyone's favorite topic. We will walk through what you need to do to to prepare for your audit including tips and best practices for giving your auditor the tools they need for and easy audit.

October 1, 2024 03:15 pm

Hands-On Training: Import Tools Best Practices

Let's get our hands dirty with import tools. In this session, we'll show you how to specifically use the import tools to successfully bring in data from any system into OpenGov Financials.

October 2, 2024 08:15 am

New and Upcoming: New Features and Roadmap for OpenGov Financials

It's sneak peek time! Sit down with Product Management to review what we are building and the future of OpenGov Financials. Don't forget to bring your questions and suggestions!